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PCB Services
    The main treasure of JSC ALFA - this is the closely-knit association of the professionals, who love their job and who work with the high return and the great skills. Each day our employees solve new and ever more complicated tasks, proposing their most contemporary solutions to our clients. The management of ALFA creates stimuli and conditions so that our employees would work efficiently and could resolve sophisticated and wide range tasks.

    ALFA has an average of 250 employees, about 30 of them - designers, engineers, - work in The R&D Department. And about 35 employees are occupied at The Quality Control Department.

    High value-added products of ALFA call for significant intellectual investments. All our engineering personnel has higher technical degrees, as well as professional skills and experience to create a product - from emerging the idea to the finished article, to design and make modules, to assemble blocks and appliances, and to develop software. 70% of the all ALFA's staff have university higher degrees. The company has creative personnel major part of which has been trained in Scandinavian customer’s facilities for shorter or longer periods.

    Recruitment of top quality specialists is issue very important for a company wishing to meet demand of the customers. Our company is attractive as an employer, and during the last years we have managed to attract the needed people. To support the further expansion and meet our recruitment needs, the company has established good linkage with Riga Technical University.
    With production technology becoming more and more digitised, a particular need arises to attract staff with a combination of technical and computer skills, as well as foreign language knowledge. Thus, processing operators employed by ALFA have also advanced computer skills. Each of our employees must not only manage the methods of solution of contemporary problems, but also look in the future. That's why the company organizes different courses and seminars in purpose to increase the qualification of personnel. ALFA encourages employees' self-education and offers a competitive compensation to such multi-skilled specialists.

    The principles of the work of JSC ALFA are the respect of the personality of each person and the inseparability of the interests of the company with the interests of each employee. We attempt to hire the best specialists in Latvia as well as to educate our own personnel. We frankly report to our employees our opinion about their work, rewarding and punishing them for the relation to the quality of their labor. Special responsibility lies on the each employee of the company - indeed any error or omission leads to the disturbance of technological process. We consider that the honest and initiative work is needful for the benefit of the company and such attitude to the job conduces to the welfare of both the company and the staff. We are united by the tendency toward the overall success.

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    The main treasure of JSC ALFA - this is the closely-knit association of the professionals, who love their job and who work with the high return and the great skills. Each day our employees solve new and ever more complicated tasks, proposing their most contemporary solutions to our clients. The management of ALFA creates stimuli and conditions so that our employees would work efficiently and could resolve sophisticated and wide range tasks.

    ALFA has an average of 250 employees, about 30 of them - designers, engineers, - work in The R&D Department. And about 35 employees are occupied at The Quality Control Department.

    High value-added products of ALFA call for significant intellectual investments. All our engineering personnel has higher technical degrees, as well as professional skills and experience to create a product - from emerging the idea to the finished article, to design and make modules, to assemble blocks and appliances, and to develop software. 70% of the all ALFA's staff have university higher degrees. The company has creative personnel major part of which has been trained in Scandinavian customer’s facilities for shorter or longer periods.

    Recruitment of top quality specialists is issue very important for a company wishing to meet demand of the customers. Our company is attractive as an employer, and during the last years we have managed to attract the needed people. To support the further expansion and meet our recruitment needs, the company has established good linkage with Riga Technical University.
    With production technology becoming more and more digitised, a particular need arises to attract staff with a combination of technical and computer skills, as well as foreign language knowledge. Thus, processing operators employed by ALFA have also advanced computer skills. Each of our employees must not only manage the methods of solution of contemporary problems, but also look in the future. That's why the company organizes different courses and seminars in purpose to increase the qualification of personnel. ALFA encourages employees' self-education and offers a competitive compensation to such multi-skilled specialists.

    The principles of the work of JSC ALFA are the respect of the personality of each person and the inseparability of the interests of the company with the interests of each employee. We attempt to hire the best specialists in Latvia as well as to educate our own personnel. We frankly report to our employees our opinion about their work, rewarding and punishing them for the relation to the quality of their labor. Special responsibility lies on the each employee of the company - indeed any error or omission leads to the disturbance of technological process. We consider that the honest and initiative work is needful for the benefit of the company and such attitude to the job conduces to the welfare of both the company and the staff. We are united by the tendency toward the overall success.

   Contact information

•  140 Ropazu Str.,
•  Riga, LV-1006, Latvia
•  tel: +371 67553075
•  fax: +371 67553173
•  www.alfarzpp.lv
•  e-mail: alfa(at)alfarzpp.lv
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