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PCB Services
    Contact Information

  If you are interested in order placing for PCB design, assembling and/or selective conformal coating at our enterprise please do not hesitate to send us by any comfortable for you ways the following information and we will prepare a commercial offer for you:

  • Order volume
  • PCB's layout with overall dimensions and thickness
  • BOM (Bill Of Materials)
  • Schematic diagram (for PCB design)
  • Gerber-files (for PCB assembly)
  • Special notes
  • Supposed time of performance
  • Possible samples and photos

  •   After such information receiving we will examine your order in the shortest possible time and will send you our proposal.
  • address: 140 Ropazu Str., Riga, LV-1006, Latvia
  • tel: +371 67553075
  • fax: +371 67553173
  • web: www.alfarzpp.lv
  • e-mail: alfa(at)alfarzpp.lv

  •    Contact information

    •  140 Ropazu Str.,
    •  Riga, LV-1006, Latvia
    •  tel: +371 67553075
    •  fax: +371 67553173
    •  www.alfarzpp.lv
    •  e-mail: alfa(at)alfarzpp.lv
    袗谢褜褎邪 袪懈谐邪 袥邪褌胁懈褟 alfa 袪袟袩袩 屑懈泻褉芯褋褏械屑褘 褌褉邪薪蟹懈褋褌芯褉 芯锌械褉邪褑懈芯薪薪褘械 褍褋懈谢懈褌械谢懈 泻芯屑锌邪褉邪褌芯褉褘 袗笑袩 笑袗袩 屑懈泻褉芯褋褏械屑邪 锌褉械芯斜褉邪蟹芯胁邪褌械谢懈 褉械谐褍谢褟褌芯褉褘 薪邪锌褉褟卸械薪懈褟 褋褌邪斜懈谢懈蟹邪褌芯褉褘 邪薪邪谢芯谐芯胁褘械 袠袦小 胁褉械屑褟蟹邪写邪褞褖懈械 懈薪褌械谐褉邪谢褜薪褘械 褋褏械屑褘 褋褏械屑邪 褌褉邪薪蟹懈褋褌芯褉薪褘械 锌邪褉褘 懈薪褋褌褉褍屑械薪褌邪谢褜薪褘泄 褍褋懈谢懈褌械谢褜 斜褘褋褌褉芯写械泄褋褌胁褍褞褖懈泄 褌邪泄屑械褉褘 邪薪邪谢芯谐芯-褑懈褎褉芯胁褘械 褑懈褎褉芯-邪薪邪谢芯谐芯胁褘械 褔邪褋褌芯褌邪 褔邪褋褌芯褌邪-薪邪锌褉褟卸械薪懈械 薪邪锌褉褟卸械薪懈械-褔邪褋褌芯褌邪 锌谢邪褋褌懈薪褘 斜懈锌芯谢褟褉薪邪褟 泻芯屑锌谢械屑械薪褌邪褉薪邪褟 BiP CBiP CMOS BiCMOS 褌械褏薪芯谢芯谐懈褟 懈褋褌芯褔薪懈泻懈 芯锌芯褉薪芯谐芯 锌褉芯褑械褋褋芯褉褘 泻芯屑锌邪褉邪褌芯褉 褋褌邪斜懈谢懈蟹邪褌芯褉 褝谢械泻褌褉芯薪懈泻邪 褝谢械泻褌褉芯薪薪褘械 泻芯屑锌芯薪械薪褌褘 泻芯褉锌褍褋 泻芯褉锌褍褋邪 DIP DIPP CerDIP QFP Au-pin Au gold plastic CerFlatpack Polyim film 褑懈褎褉芯胁邪褟 芯斜褉邪斜芯褌泻邪 褋懈谐薪邪谢 褋懈谐薪邪谢邪 薪邪锌褘谢械薪懈械 褉械蟹懈褋褌芯褉芯胁 谢邪蟹械褉薪邪褟 薪邪褋褌褉芯泄泻邪 锌邪褉邪屑械褌褉褘 褋泻褉邪泄斜懈褉芯胁邪薪懈械 锌/锌 蟹邪泻邪蟹褔懈泻 袣袛 孝袛.
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