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PCB Services

   Latvia is located in the geographic centre of the Baltic Sea region and has a target market of 100 million consumers within a radius of 800 kms. Most of these consumers live in the countries of the European Union. Latvia is the full member of the European Union since May 1, 2004.

   Latvia’s developed air, land and sea transportation infrastructures facilitate the targeting of the rapidly growing Baltic Sea region market. There are regular flights from Riga to countries all over the world, year-round ferry lines to Sweden and Germany, bus shuttle lines to major cities of Europe and direct train services to Russia.

   Latvia has a modern, western standard, air and auto cargo logistics and transportation infrastructure, featuring strategic distribution networks, as well as a developed communications network, advanced financial services and a liberal banking sector.

Welcome to Riga!

   JSC ALFA is located in Riga (the capital of Latvia), 5 km from the city centre, 15 km from the international airport, 5 km from the sea port terminal. Drive by taxi from Riga city centre takes 10 minutes (our address: ALFA RPAR AS, Ropazu 140, Riga, Latvia, LV-1006).

   Contact information

•  140 Ropazu Str.,
•  Riga, LV-1006, Latvia
•  tel: +371 67553075
•  fax: +371 67553173
•  www.alfarzpp.lv
•  e-mail: alfa(at)alfarzpp.lv
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